The Maldive Kitchen
A family run restaurant serving the best of Maldives cuisine. Chambeyli Magu, Gholhi 9 Male, Maldives
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MVR 280.00 Per Head
- Kadhuru
- Feyru Fani / Karaa Fani, Hedhika
- Baiypen Maskurolhi
- Mashuni / Bashi Mashuni
- Kukulhu Riha
- Fundi Dhon Riha
- Barabo Hiki Riha
- Fathu Bisgandu
- Roshi / Fenfolhi / Baiy
- Sooji or Kandhi, Kalhu Saiy
price "MVR 280++" (Maldivian Rufiyaa)
It's free for up to 3 kids under 7 years old. For reservations, customers can DM 913 4000.

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